Thursday, December 12, 2013

Been away for a while . . .

Obviously, I haven't written a new post to my blog since the first day I started it! I wrote for a while on a blog page I created on my church web site in Florida, but I deleted that page when I moved to Georgia. I have a blog page on my family web site, and I wrote a couple of things there that I should probably copy here, as well. I'll do that later tonight.

I got on here again because my daughter, Desiree, just turned 10 and wanted to start her own blog on fashion design. She's a budding young designer, and she learned about blogging from BrainPop, an app she plays with on my iPhone and on our iPad. I'm hosting her blog on my Blogger site along with mine. She'd appreciate your feedback (if you're into fashion at all)!

We're sitting at home watching holiday movies, trying to stay warm before bedtime. More later . . .

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